Do you have a real passion for your animals? So do we! And mainly for everything with feathers! At Paradijshof, you can buy laying hens, ornamental chickens and waterfowl. You can also come to us for the necessary advice. Are you keeping laying hens for the first time? Don’t panic! We will give you all the tips & tricks on how to look after your chickens and what you need.

Kenzo Waeles
Managing Director
+32 494 84 34 82

Claudia Seys
Accounting & sales representative

Tessa Robyn
Marketing Manager
Paradijshof start officieel als detailhandel in voeders en toebehoren voor neerhofdieren op 1 april.
Kleine boerderijdieren maken vanaf maart 2019 deel uit van Paradijshof. De klant kan verschillende soorten vogels aankopen maar ook lama's, wallaby's en andere boerderijdieren kunnen besteld worden.
Paradijshof expands it's range! From March 2024, ornamental chickens are now available. The species are padua, silk grouse, araucana, wyandotte, brahma, vorwerk, cochin, Dutch whitecock, and so much more!
Paradijshof acquires hatchery Mortier from Veldegem to breed and offer even more special bird species. Customers can also come by to have their eggs incubated.
Paradijshof is making plans to expand its breeding zone: more info to follow!
Why choose Paradijshof?

Paradijshof always provides quality products. -
Paradijshof treats all its clients with the necessary professionalism. -
You can always contact Paradijshof with any questions/difficulties.